Cold and flu time…hatschiieeee

The time of catching cold and flu is now present. In autumn and winter my clinic is full of these sickness or symptoms. Most people starting to late to change their clothes into warmer ones. Understandable because autumn can be very beautiful and sometime also warm during the day. So its not easy to make the right decision every morning before leaving the house. But to avoid the external evil like wind and cold you should be covered warm and when its getting warm you just take off some layers. If I´m looking out of my window at early morning I see the fog and dampness actually very beautiful after sunrise the fog and dampness slowly disappeared. Before leaving house look out of the window then you should choose your clothes.

herbstblatt cartoon_s

There two types of Cold and Flu in perception of Classical Chines Medicine according to the symptoms:

Wind heat type or wind cold type

Some rules to avoid catching cold these are general prevention:

  • take a warm drinks before leaving the house
  • wind covering clothes
  • take more ginger in drinks and food
  • warm footpath
  • take Chinese health mushrooms: Lingzhi or Yunzhi look at your asian drugstore

Some more information soon about the different types of Cold and flu and what to do when you catch it.

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